
You truly never realise what you have until it's gone, and truthfully, I never really understood the genius and the wonderfully dark mind of H.R. Giger until the news struck today that he had passed away. After swiftly rushing upstairs to watch my copy of Aliens in tribute of the late artist, it became apparent to me that Giger was the last truly great sci-fi creator since H.P Lovecraft.

I know there are a lot of people who would disagree with that claim, mainly because George Lucas would often appear the victor of people's favourite sci-fi creators. Yet he could not deliver decent back stories to his characters and even managed to butcher some of his own creations for the sake of a profit proving that his characters may have been flash in the pan ideas. Or maybe they may see Ridley Scott and James Cameron as being the real driving force behind the first two Alien films (is it worth mentioning the rest?). 

What are the Alien films without the eponymous movie monster? And how could one of the defining images of scientific horror fiction have been if it had not come from the mind of H.R Giger. After all, the film was not going anywhere until Scott viewed Necronom IV and realised what his creation needed to look like.

I implore you to name a character since 'the Xenomorph' that has become as iconic in the science fiction world. Or even a movie monster that has become iconic since. 

Giger was a talented and delightfully dark artist in general, but it his influence of the film Alien and the influence he had on the science fiction genre can be seen at any sci-fi convention you may attend, at any film shop, I've even witnessed the image carved into a piece of wood at a small shop.

R.I.P H.R Giger, the last truly great sci-fi creator.

Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Announcement

For almost every film fan, the development of the new trilogy of Star Wars films is more important news than who will win the Premier League or practically every local news headline going. Very excitingly, a chunk of the cast has been announced by J.J Abrams and the rest of the Star Wars team. And what do we think? Well the previous trilogy of Star Wars films boasted big A-List stars, but look how that turned out. It would appear that Mr Abrams has decided to go off genuine talent, giving more confidence in the films being more about content than money making. After all it's being helmed by a notable advocate of Star Wars and sci-fi films in general. So who are the cast then?

From the top going clockwise, we have the director and co-screenwriter J.J Abrams. Truly proven his talents with films like Super 8 and Star Trek, we give him our full support with the direction of the trilogy. To his left, the one and only Harrison Ford. A real treat for fans, being reunited with Han Solo after all these years. Not much to say about newcomer Daisy Ridley who is sharing the sofa with Mr. Ford, however this film will guarantee being rocketed to success. Conversing with her is Princess Leia better known as the wonderful Carrie Fisher. Looking as hairy as his Chewbacca is Peter Mayhew. The preceding two a merely producers of the film. Nothing exciting to see here. Yet next to them, the son of Brendon Gleeson, Domnhall. Again another little known name but as a Tony nominee at the age of 23, we can only expect great things from the young Irish lad. Two legends to the franchise, Anthony Daniels and Mark Hamill, returning as C-3PO and Luke Skywalker respectively. We round off the image with four newcomers to the series. Andy Serkis, better known as Gollum from The Lord of The Rings franchise. Hopefully he will bring perfection to the CGI and potential motion capture elements of the film. Oscar Issac, the eponymous lead in the recent Coen Brothers masterpiece Inside Llewyn Davies. Apart from knowing their respective films 'Attack the Block' and a minor appearance in the previously mentioned Inside Llewyn Davies, we have very little to say about John Boyega and Adam Driver but we have full trust in J.J Abrams and his casting choices. Omitted from the image but announced are Kenny Baker (or R2D2) and the legendary Max von Sydow.

Overall, the casting of the film seems flawless, guaranteed great performances and promising newcomers have emerged from this announcement, further adding the the excitement of the 2015 release of the first film of the new trilogy.

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